As we enter diabetes walk season the north east, and I ramp up my own fundraising efforts for JDRF, I can't help but stop and think about my own mixed messaging with regards to how I talk about living with type 1 diabetes (T1D)
On one hand I have mantras "diabetes doesn't' stop me" or "diabetes strong" and the like. But then during fundraising season I find myself switching gears and talking about how hard it is, and how much we need a cure and better treatment options.
Which is it? Is it hard and difficult, or does it not stop me? It's both. No matter how you slice it living with diabetes is hard, and it stinks. However in order for me to thrive despite this disease and all it has to offer, I try to live in the present and not dwell on the hard stuff but get through it and move on.
Maybe my mantra should be "diabetes may slow me down, but doesn't stop me from accomplishing my goals" but that is too long for a hashtag, don't you think? #diabetesmayslowmedownbutdoesn't stopmefromaccomplishingmygoals.
I hope that clears up a little of the confusion and answers this question that has been asked of me more than once.
Side note: this year I'm hoping to be able to raise $2,500 for my JDRF fundraising efforts. A cure may be a long way away, but researchers are working on ways to prevent it, quicker insulin, and so much more that helps us all today util that cure comes, and JDRF helps fund a lot of that.
Great post. It is a tricky balance, isn't it. One the a person probably can't fully understand unless they live with diabetes.